
Download The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
Download The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

Princess Zelda visit her childhood friend, Link, who lives with his grandfather, the royal blacksmith, Smith. The first set of games were released the same day, including The Minish Cap. With the FebruNintendo Direct, it was announced that Game Boy Advance games were coming to the Nintendo Switch subscription service Switch Online's higher-tier "Expansion Pack". Three years after the re-release, The Minish Cap was released on the Wii U Virtual Console, being the first time non-Ambassadors can play it other than its initial release.

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While being only released for the Game Boy Advance for nearly seven years, The Minish Cap was released on the 3DS Virtual Console as a part of the exclusive ten Game Boy Advance games for the Ambassador program. Many of the sounds, including Link's voice, were taken from Ocarina of Time, though the game resembles The Wind Waker more. That, along with the final boss, reveals that this game is the prequel to the Four Swords games, setting the stage for those adventures.

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One of the game's primary goals is to gather the Four Elements in order to restore power to the Four Sword, allowing Link to progressively split into mirror images of himself in order to battle enemies and solve puzzles. Using Ezlo's mystical powers, Link is able to shrink down at various portals throughout Hyrule and enter the small world of the Minish, solving puzzles and entering dungeons that were previously inaccessible. Early on in the game, Link meets up with Ezlo, a transfigured Minish who joins Link as his iconic cap and giving tips along the way. These small creatures can only be seen by children, meaning that Link can interact with them throughout the adventure. This game introduced a new race to the series which hasn't been seen in any other games since, the Picori (or Minish). The game uses an improved version of the interface found in the Game Boy and Game Boy Color titles.

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This time utilizing a modified version of the Four Swords art style altered to be more in line with The Wind Waker art style. Nearly two years after the release of The Wind Waker, Nintendo released the next handheld adventure in the The Legend of Zelda series, The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap.

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